You already know all about used car shopping, right? Of course you do, you clever gentleman lady. We’re not going to insult you by telling you how to shop for used cars… again.
We see all sorts of people… most of you are awesome, and that’s who we’re writing for. Some people though, we just don’t get it. Allow us to put on our Sarcastic Pants for a moment, and speak to them.
Want to have a really terrible car buying experience? Here are some ideas:
Do Not Look Into Financing Options In Advance
Want to have a really lousy day on the car lot? Go in with no idea how much you can spend, and no idea what the interest will cost you in the long run.
Don’t Go In With an Idea What Car You Want
It doesn’t matter what you’re buying, as long as it has four wheels right? Oh, sure, some cars are cheap to buy but cost a fortune to maintain but you’re made out of money, champ.
Washing Your Trade-in is for Suckers
Who washes a car they’re getting rid of? The car dealer is going to detail it before they sell it anyway, since they want to impress future buyers.
Ready to trade-in? Now is your chance to take that truck off-roading in mud! (Unless you care about trade-in value, of course.)
Taking Your Car to a Third Party Mechanic is Asking for Trouble
You really should just go with what the dealer tells you. First time, every time. Going to a trusted mechanic could lead to all sorts of problems. What if it turns out the car you’ve fallen in love with has serious mechanical problems? How are you going to be able to buy it now?
Sure, those x-point checks are mostly marketing gimmicks… but they make you feel better, right?! You should basically just go with the dealer with the most point checks.
Reports are for School Kids
Much like mechanics, vehicle history reports can be really depressing if the car you want is a bummer.
Furthermore, how in the heck is a guy supposed to get rid of a crummy car when services like CarProof don’t know how to keep secrets?
Under Pressure? Buy, Buy, Buy!
If your salesman seems pushy, and you feel like you’re under a lot of pressure to buy right now, you’ve struck gold. Do not go home and think it over. Do not ask for a vehicle history report. Do not bring the car to a mechanic. You should purchase that vehicle immediately.
You don’t need to feel good about it. A salesperson confidently telling you the right decision for you is everything you could ask for, really.
Ok, ok — we’re done complaining about those other guys. Thanks for listening! Seriously, here are some solid tips to ensure you have a great used car buying experience:
Get Pre-Approved Financing Ahead of Time
Get pre-approved so you’re not on the spot. Go in knowing your budget. Put on your shades and drive away in a car you already knew you could afford. Cool.
Do Some Car Research Before You Visit
Know what type of car you need to meet your needs. Familiarize yourself with different cars in that class, know which cars runs for 300km and which ones require frequent maintenance. (Don’t buy the one that’s expensive to maintain.)
Trading In? Clean It Up
You want to maximize the value of your trade in? Shine it up real pretty. Car dealers are people, too, and the condition your vehicle is in matters to them just like it does to you. You’re likely to get a better trade-in value on a car that looks taken care of than one that looks like it just survived a landslide. (If it did just survive a landslide and you can shine it up nice, good on you!)
Run a Background Check Before You Two Go Home Together
Think you found the right car? Make sure it’s the right car. Request an CarProof report to review its history and then take it to a third party mechanic to make sure there are no surprises later. You will never regret doing this.
Don’t Buy it if You’re Not Comfortable
Don’t feel pressured to spend your hard earned money on something unless you’re comfortable. If the dealer, salesman or vehicle is giving you the heebie-jeebies, you can walk away.
Take more time to think it over or take your business elsewhere. Obviously we think you should bring it here. You’ll like us. Like we’ve said for generations, “when it comes to making money or making friends, we always choose to make friends”.
Honestly, here at Ride Time, we don’t put cars on the lot we wouldn’t buy and drive ourselves. I’m no Jay Lenno, but our lot is practically a car collection. Unlike Jay, we share. Come take a look, any time at Ride Time!
Here’s a little quiz to see if you were paying attention.
What should you do first?
Photos: Don LaVange, Aoife, Jon Parise, SMcGarnigle
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